After many promises and delays, the draft changes to the NDIS legislation has finally been released for public review and consultation via submissions.

The consultation period is shorter than DIA, and many others, would consider appropriate considering the importance and substance of the legislation being proposed with the consultation period ending at midnight 7th October, giving only 4 weeks to analyse and prepare submissions.

DIA will be scouring the document over the next few days and will prepare a response before the submission deadline.

The draft legislation, accompanying documents and the link to make a submission can be found on the DSS website by following this link: NDIS Draft Legislation Documents and Submission.

If you have any concerns you wish to highlight  directly to DIA, please email info@intermediaries.org.au and we will have one of our team contact you for further details.

DIA will continue to update the broader intermediaries sector with up to date information on the NDIS and is able to  continue to do this because of the support of our members. DIA encourages Intermediary providers to consider joining DIA as a member, to ensure we can continue to support our members and the sector.