DIA is pleased to publish its submission to the 2021-2022 NDIS Annual Price Review, having submitted it to the NDIA on Sunday 28th November 2021. The submission proposes the formulation of Cost Models for Plan Management and Support Coordination supports delivered in the NDIS. The Cost Models have been developed from empirical data collected from providers of intermediary supports and for the first time provides a clear and transparent pricing framework.
DIA would like to thank all organisations and providers who contributed to the DIA survey of the underlying conditions of the intermediary sector. The outstanding response provided DIA with an unsurpassed level of data that facilitated the development of robust, evidenced based Cost Models. The survey response consisted of:
- Over 800 individual responses which consisted of;
- 430 individual responses for Plan Management;
- 378 individual responses for Support Coordination;
- In excess of 115,500 individual data points.
Before submitting to the NDIA, DIA provided the submission to our members for comment. DIA received 44 signed Letters of Support for the submission and its recommendation for the establishment of Cost Models to advise the setting of price limits for intermediary supports.
Commenting on the submission, DIA CEO Mr. Jess Harper said:
“The NDIA has not previously made a cost model or assumptions available to evidence the way it sets price limits for both Plan Management and Support Coordination supports.
I must extend a massive thank you to all the intermediary providers that completed DIA’s Cost Model survey. This data and evidence is at the core of our submission and for the first time publicly establishes a Cost Model for the delivery of Plan Management and Support Coordination services.”
DIA look forward to working with the NDIA through the Working Groups and consultation process to ensure the price limits set facilitate the delivery of high quality and sustainable intermediary supports.
DIA 2021-2022 NDIS APR Submission
DIA will continue to update the broader intermediaries sector with up to date information on the NDIS and is able to continue to do this because of the support of our members. DIA encourages Intermediary providers to consider joining DIA as a member, to ensure we can continue to support our members and the sector..