Consultation to inform the Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 2 Bill has begun. This will be the second round of legislative change to the NDIS Act and will focus on providers, services standards and participant safety. A consultation paper summarising the ten new measures has been published on the NDIS Commission’s website.

The second tranche of proposed changes are intended to bolster protections for participants and improve standards of care and support. The proposed provisions are a response to recommendations from the  issues raised in the NDIS Commission’s Own Motion Inquiries, its complaint and incident intelligence and the findings of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC).

The NDIS Commission is inviting feedback on the consultation paper, which will be used to inform an exposure draft of Bill No.2. The exposure draft will be published no earlier than Autumn next year.

The NDIS Commission’s consultation paper has proposed 10 measures, which are grouped into three main areas:

  • Changes to the penalty framework and introducing statutory requirements
  • Safeguarding measures
  • Information gathering powers.

Submissions close 20 December 2024. DIA will make a formal submission and encourage the sector to do the same. All the details and the consultation paper can be found on the NDIS Commission’s Website.