The Minister for the NDIS, Stuart Robert, has today released a discussion paper to inform development of a Digital Partnership Program (DPP) to make it easier for participants to connect and interact with providers. Read the full ministers release.

The discussion paper calls for ideas around:

  • what kinds of tools, apps, and other digital products would be attractive for development;
  • how the NDIS can best work with providers and software developers;
  • what specific functionality or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) the market would like as part of the NDIS; and
  • what terms, conditions and data registered providers, unregistered providers and software developers accessing APIs should variously agree to.

‘We know the value of emerging technologies and the importance of leveraging innovation offered by the broader market to improve the experience and access to supports for all NDIS participants,

The DPP will enable the development of a new range of digital services at a faster pace under a digital marketplace model – it is an important step towards innovating the NDIS and improving how participants, providers and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) all connect and work together.

APIs will allow Digital Partners who subscribe to securely connect with NDIA systems and more efficiently manage their day to day work, increasing the capacity of NDIS providers and the market to deliver better services to NDIS participants.’ Minister Robert said.

Following the Ministers announcement, the NDIA updated its ‘have you say’ page with information about the Digital Partnership Program along with the discussion paper.

The NDIA is developing a Digital Partnership Program, which will manage controlled and secure access to some of the NDIA’s data and systems. Access will be managed via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs are being created so providers and software developers can create new tools, applications and digital marketplaces to improve how participants, providers and the NDIA all connect and work together.

To understand how this program could best succeed, the NDIA has released this paper to ask for recommendations on:

  • If the DPP approach will work
  • What additional functionality and support the market would like
  • What the market would like to see in future APIs
  • The proposed subscription process and terms and conditions
  • Data that the market would like access to and the data that the NDIA will be seeking from partners under the DPP
  • Any other ideas, feedback, or concerns around the DPP.

All responses received will be used to inform the direction of the DPP.

Give your feedback on the NDIS Digital Partnership Program (DPP).

Anyone interested in the digital future of the NDIA is invited to respond to this discussion paper with their feedback.

Submissions close on 22 March 2020.

You can respond to some or all topics in the paper, submission details can be found on the NDIS website.

DIA welcomes the release of the discussion paper and will be submitting a response to better inform the NDIA and provide recomendations based on our understanding of the Intermediaires market and operating environment.