Latest SDA information released for participants and the sector
On 27th October 2020 the Minister for the NDIS, Stuart Robert, committed to publishing additional data on Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). While the NDIA has historically released data on participants receiving SDA funding on a regular basis, the additional data details the demand for SDA across Australia, broken down into distinct geographical regions.
The latest SDA data has been released by the NDIA on 29th January 2021 for participants and the sector. The latest spreadsheet contains data on enrolled SDA dwellings and NDIS demand data to 31 December 2020, including:
- The number of active participants in each service district receiving SDA and Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- The number and types of dwellings in each service district
- The demand for SDA within the NDIS by region
The NDIA intends the SDA data to support providers to understand the current SDA supply, where there is the greatest need for dwellings, where there are opportunities for more SDA to meet participant need, and to stimulate investment where the need is greatest.
Disability Intermediaries Australia believes SDA dwellings are vital as they give people with disability greater independence and choice of accommodation that meets their individual needs. DIA asserts any lack of suitable SDA options in the market not only has an unreasonable impact on participants, it also significantly impacts effective service delivery in the intermediaries sector. DIA welcomes any initiative stimulating investment and market growth that can enable providers to better support participants, however also recognizes a real need to overcome the disparity between NDIS planning and reality of existing service options for participants in their preferred geographical location.
The latest SDA data on demand and supply is available on the Data Downloads page on the NDIS Data and Insights website.
Helping participants find SDA vacancies
SDA Vacancy matching platforms are available to support participants and providers search for accommodation vacancies that match individual requirements.