The board of Disability Intermediaries Australia Ltd (DIA) is pleased to announce the launch of a peak body to represent the interests of intermediary providers. At full implementation, about 30%-40% of NDIS participants will have intermediary products in their plans, principally Support Co-ordination and/or Plan Management.

DIA Director Nic Bolto said “first principles of the scheme are that people with a disability have the freedom to access a range of supports from a range of providers. In other parts of the world, where similar schemes are more established, people with disability enjoy greater levels of self-determination as intermediary services are delivered independent from core support providers.”

According to the last NDIA Quarterly Report, participants use an average of 1.62 providers (p55, COAG Disability Reform Council Quarterly Report, September 2018) and 80%-90% of all NDIA payments are going to 25% of registered providers (p6, COAG Performance Report).

The NDIA is presently consulting with a wide range of providers on new policy controls for intermediary services.

Mr Bolto said that “for the full benefits of the scheme to be realised, intermediary services need to be delivered separately to core supports. This will release providers from any actual or perceived conflict of interest and enable participants to live more freely.”

“We look forward to working with the Agency and the market on accelerating the maturity of intermediary services. Membership to the peak body is now open.”

Further Details: Contact Nic Bolto at or phone 0488 656 205