After 15 long months, the much-awaited outcome from the August 2020 NDIA Support Coordination Discussion Paper has today been released.
You can read DIA’s 100 page submission to this discussion paper here.
Many in the sector will find that the paper and accompanying website content hasn’t really introduced any new information that wasn’t published in the original discussion paper, the accompanying web content does distill this into simple language which may be helpful for new entrants to the Support Coordination market, however like all things in the Support Coordination space it’s never that simple.
The good:
- As many Support Coordinators are aware DIA has developed professional standards of practice, which are currently with the NDIA and NDIS Commission for review and comment. These will shortly be released and thankfully DIA’s standards build on this information released today.
- There is not much new here, despite the papers aims and discussion points what has been developed is really affirmation of the current status quo.
- The NDIA recognises the work of Peak Bodies, including DIA, and intents to partner more with us and the sector to deliver further development within the Support Coordination market.
The not so good:
- Considering the volume of submissions that the NDIA received along with the last 15 months of time to unpack and consider those submission, it is disappointing that many of the really challenging and ‘grey’ areas of service have not been addressed or discussed. DIA can’t help but ask why has it taken so long to publish?
- The paper as published is fairly flat with only 5 high level pages dedication to the role of Support Coordination. The NDIA instead opting to place most of the detail DIA was expecting to be in the paper as website content. Whilst the website content is ok, as we have seen far too many times, website content is easier to change and does not carry version control or the recognition of published policy.
- Missed opportunity to provide Support Coordinators with greater access to the NDIA and its systems. Support Coordinators are expected to deliver plan implementation and monitoring to the most complex participants within the NDIS however there is limited integration and information sharing, not even participants plans information, more work needs to be done here.
- There is a lot of content that’s either coming or being worked including:
- resources to empower participants to become more astute consumers in the NDIS market;
- support for Decision Making policy framework:
- efficient organisation and more timely delivery of supports and services in thin markets along with rural and remote areas;
- tools for support coordinators to be innovative and to take initiative;
- new approach to Home and Living and more.
- Missed opportunity to provide information specifically for the unregistered Support Coordination market, which is regulated by the NDIS Commission.
Just 4 roles of Support Coordination – well sort of…
The paper makes it seem like there are only 4 roles for a Support Coordinator:
1. Help Participants connect to NDIS and other supports;
- Build a Participants capacity and capability to understand their plan, navigate the NDIS and make their own decisions;
- Broker supports and services in line with the participants plan budget and wishes;
- Monitor plan budgets and support effectiveness.
Dig a bit deeper and there are multiple functions and activities required for each of these 4 roles, see the website materials. DIA contends that summarising these into four high level and broad areas is a bit of an injustice to the complexity and challenges that exist in supporting Participants in this space.
Support Coordinators have many roles and functions that require expert skills and experience which are used to tailor the Support Coordination offering to each Participant based on their needs, choices, and budget constraints.
The outcomes from the 2020 NDIA Support Coordination Paper does not present much in the way of new content or policy with many of the current status quos and grey areas remaining.
The NDIA are looking to the sector to increase quality and intend to conduct greater engagement and consultation moving forward – which we look forward to.
The NDIA are also going to conduct a number of webinars on the release of the paper.
You can sign up to attend via event bright here.
DIA will continue to update the broader intermediaries sector with up to date information on the NDIS and is able to continue to do this because of the support of our members. DIA encourages Intermediary providers to consider joining DIA as a member, to ensure we can continue to support our members and the sector..