NDIS Support Coordinators have express serious viability concerns after the NDIA released its Annual Price Review. After the devastating news that the NDIA have again chosen to continue its damaging price freeze for Support Coordination. For half a decade Support Coordination (Level 2 and Level 3) and Plan Management pricing has been frozen, this is half a decade of cuts in real terms.

As the 31 March 2024, Support Coordinators service 46% of all NDIS Participants to implement their NDIS Plan through a range of different functions based on the level of funding deemed reasonable and necessary. Participants funded with Level 2 Support Coordination supports are generally participants with more complex support needs. Participants funded with Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination are generally participants with very complex support needs, often with high intensity support requirements and significant support barriers or mainstream interfaces.

Participants with less complex support needs (54% of participants at 31 March 2024) receive low level plan implementation support through a NDIS Partner in the Community (Local Area Coordinator or ECEI Partner), with is an outsourced / contracted extension of the NDIA.

Last week, Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) released a Pulse Survey to the sector to gather information on the expected impacts this decision will have on the sector. DIA received over 1100 responses from intermediary and other service providers. Of these respondents 608 providers deliver Support Coordination and have indicated significant viability concerns and a sector that is in crisis.

The the vast majority of Support Coordination respondents have indicated that the seriously considering the closure of their Support Coordination services. 


Support Coordination Respondent Profile

Number of Support Coordination Respondents
by the State(s) in which they deliver services.

New South Wales






Western Australia


South Australia




Australian Capital Territory


Northern Territory


National Total Number of respondents delivering Support Coordination


Note: The National Total do not equal the sum of each state as some of the Support Coordination Respondents deliver services in more than one state.

Support Coordination Survey Responses

The responses consisted of both qualitative information and qualitative information. Of major concern for DIA was the number of providers that have indicated that they are considering closure, the time frames being considered for such exit and the numbers of workers and participants likely impacted.

DIA published a media release responding to the NDIA Annual Price Review decision with CEO of DIA Mr Jess Harper saying:

“This pricing decision fails again to recognise the increased costs of operating in the economy over the past half a decade. This pricing decision will result in the closures of safe, quality, genuine service providers.

This decision is simply indefensible. Keeping price limits fixed for half a decade at pre-pandemic levels despite inflation, award wage increases and operating cost pressures is irresponsible and reckless.”

Support Coordination Practices Have Already Started Closing

Since the release of the NDIA Annual Price Review at the eleventh hour on Friday 28th 2024, there has been a number of high profile Support Coordination practices publicly confirm their decision to close their support coordination services including:

On the closure of these services Quality Support Coordination and Plan Management providers and NDIS Advocates have taken to Social Media including LinkedIn to express their outrage at the NDIA’s decision. NDIS Review Panel Member and Executive Director of Community Connections & My Choice My Support – Dougie Herd posted:

Director and Founder of Your Plan Manager – Tanya Walford posted:

Author of Nadia and Former Head of the NDIA Technology Authority – Marie Johnson posted:

Call on the NDIA to reconsider their pricing decision.

The continued mismanagement of price setting arrangements timing along with the bureaucratic and wilful disregard for quality services provision shows that the NDIA lacks the competence to administer the NDIS Price Review. DIA developed a joint statement with other provider associations and the major unions that called on government to commit to a new era of better pricing for all NDIS stakeholders.

Unlike much of the recent media reporting of overcharging and NDIS prices being above those of Non-NDIS Services, Intermediary Supports like Support Coordination and Plan Management are caped at prices below what other schemes (Aged Care, TAC, iCare and even the NDIA’s own LAC program) pay for similar services.

DIA continues to call of the NDIA to urgently reconsider its pricing decision, given it has clearly got it so very wrong.





Some people might find this news to be extremely distressing.
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Media Requests
To arrange an interview with or comment from DIA please contact:

DIA Chief Executive Officer
Mr Jess Harper – 0421 244 824, or media@intermediaries.org.au



DIA is a members-based organisation. We are only able to do the work that we do because of the ongoing support of our members. Thank you to all DIA members that continue to support the work we do. If you’re a provider delivering Support Coordination or Plan Management are not yet a member, you should consider joining. Click here to join from our homepage.